TransStadia Arena
Built by TransStadia in partnership, as a PPP, with the Gujarat government, the new Arena is the first multi-purpose sports arena in India. Its ability to host indoor events in the main hall and accommodate 20,000 spectators, in a 2 tier bowl stadium, covers the majority of the bases for major sporting and cultural events.
The EKA sports club covers all other areas with a 6 court main hall, squash courts, weights gym and a dramatic array of swimming pools on the roof terrace. The more restful pursuit are not forgotten, with 3 major restaurants, a children’s nursery, cardroom and exclusive spa completing the offer.
To cater for this within the city centre it has been necessary to have major parking provision on site. This is located on 2 floors that sit directly below the grass pitch, with direct access to the facilities above.
As a major part of the urban fabric it was also important to add to the perimeter of the stadium at street level. For this there is provision of high quality retail to the street and a food court and public plaza that will also serve the stadium.
This multi-use building sets the standards high for any other Arena that wants to knit into the fabric of the culturally diverse and booming city scapes in India, and abroad.